No stories to tell just love flowing

Created by Dee 7 years ago
We have no stories to tell about you darling. But sometimes I wonder if we had lost you when we brought you home would that have been worse? Could anything have been worse for you? As my Counsellor said the worse did happen. I just keep clinging to the fact that in the grand scheme of things life is just a breath, a heartbeat compared to eternity. I know that there is a Heaven, there is a God as I have testament to that and I know there is a reason why you couldn't stay that we will find out when we return to him too. I know you have simply gone through the veil to another room. I know all this yet I am soooo heartbroken, still can't believe this all happened. Just wish I could have one more cuddle with my little Grandie, feel your beautiful soft baby skin. I am now reliving this time last year. Laura's baby shower, the baby scans, the worry that you weren't growing enough, the excitement of meeting you, the love we already felt for you! I wonder if you are watching down and know how much we love you? It is eternal my darling! xxxxx